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Updating b->sl+l- sprucing lines

Felicia Volle requested to merge fevolle/bu_to_xll_sprucing into master

Updating the b->sl+l- sprucing lines by taking as input several DiLeptonDetached hlt2 lines.

  • Update sprucing lines by adding several di-lepton hlt2 lines as input
  • Adding EMu lines ( if useful ? )
  • Adding hadron same sign lines for (e+e-, mu+mu-, e-e-(cc), mu-mu-(cc))
  • Changing upper mass limit of K*0 to 2600 MeV, like in 2015, as suggested by Renato

FYI : @yamhis , @cmarinbe , @alvarezc , @rmwillia

Edited by Miroslav Saur

Merge request reports
