Allow PrimaryVertices to be filtered with ThOr functors
Implementation of a PVFilter algorithm (similar to the available ParticleFilters) to filter LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer objects according to a ThOr predicate
This will be used to prefilter some SMOG2 lines (in progress) by requiring a reconstructed PV in the cell. In this first MR, the infrastructure is tested in hlt2_thor_selections by prefiltering one of the testing lines by requiring a reconstructed PV with a z in [-200, 0] mm. As expected, this gives (on 1000 events):
PrFilter__PV INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max
|*"Cut selection efficiency" | 4992 | 2486 |( 49.79968 +- 0.7076675)% |
Depends on LHCb!3585 (merged) and Rec!2911 (merged)
Thanks to @wouter for the help