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Reduce the rates of double-charm lines in B&Q wg

Hongjie Mu requested to merge hongjie_bandq_newdoublecharm into master

As mentioned in #410, the rates of double-charm lines in B&Q are found to be very high. The rate is reduced to about 10% followed the selection in Charm wg. 50k MB MC samples are used to test the rate of the previous and updated double-charm line.

updated double-charm line:

Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmOppositeSign_LineDecisionWithOutput      #=50000   Sum=48          Eff=|(0.09600000 +- 0.0138498)%|
Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSign_LineDecisionWithOutput          #=50000   Sum=56          Eff=|(0.1120000 +- 0.0149582)%|

previous double-charm line:

Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmOppositeSign_LineDecisionWithOutput      #=50000   Sum=533         Eff=|( 1.066000 +- 0.0459268)%|
Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSign_LineDecisionWithOutput          #=50000   Sum=569         Eff=|( 1.138000 +- 0.0474352)%|

Merge request reports
