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Detached dilepton trigger selection update

Retuned the preselection with looser cuts. Replaced hard PIDmu cut by requiring IsMuon and a much looser PIDmu cut. Adding trigger lines that reconstruct B0 -> V0 mu mu, where V0 has a significant lifetime.
Retrained the MVAs with current HLT1 selection. This merge request needs to be merged together with lhcb-datapkg/ParamFiles!54 (closed) The current minbias rate of this merge request is at 6 kHz. The last merge request had a rate of 13 kHz when it was merged

Some slides summarizing the current performance after the update. InclusiveTrigger_update2.pdf InclusiveTrigger_RD.pdf

Edited by Leon David Carus

Merge request reports
