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Adding B0->Kspi0 and Bs0->Kspi0, B+->pi+pi0

Emily Kaiyin Jiang requested to merge bnoc_run3_btokspi into bnoc_run3_zewen

Adapting the Run2 trigger for B0->Kspi0, Bs0->Kspi0 (from here), with the same cuts. From Run2:

Cuts on Ks: {'KS0_TISTOS':None,'KS0_PT_MIN':500 * MeV,'KS0_P_MIN' :8000 * MeV,'KS0_ADMASS':15 * MeV,'KS0_VCHI2PDOF_MAX':15,'KS0_IPCHI2_MIN' :10}

Cuts on pi0s: {'PI0_PT_MIN':3500 * MeV,'PI0_P_MIN' :5000 * MeV }

Cuts on combination: {'MASS_MIN' :4000,'MASS_MAX' :6200,'ASUM_PT_MIN':5000 * MeV,'PT_MIN' :4000 * MeV,'MTDOCACHI2_MAX':10.0 }

Also dealing with the process B+->pi+pi0 by applying the same trigger as B+->K+pi0 (see MR !1362 (merged)) without the kaon PID cut, this may be a temporary solution as the rates may be too high without this cut.

Update: rates estimated using minbias simulation MC_Upgrade_Beam7000GeVUpgradeMagUpNu7.625nsPythia8_Sim09cUp02_RecoUp01_Trig0x52000000_30000000_LDST. After HLT1 filtering we assume 1 MHz, so final rates are 90 +- 40 Hz for B0->Kspi0 and 150 \pm 1 Hz for B+->pi+pi0.

Edited by Zewen Chen

Merge request reports
