Add flags for alignment in reconstruction
This MR modifies the make_PrKalmanFilter_X wrappers to allow FillFitResult and ClassicSmoothing to be accessed in Moore without bind statements on the PrKalmanFilter. This allows a forAlignment flag to be added to the relevant reconstructions, which should be more future-proof if changes are made to the central reconstruction sequences.
Goes with Alignment!359 (closed)
Merge request reports
added RTA label
- Resolved by Sophie Hollitt
Just one remark, one can also bind directly the options of an algorithm. So if one does in the options file:
with PrKalmanFilter_noUT.bind(fill_fit_result=True, classic_smoothing=True): run_alignment() # or whatever the function is called.
one should be able to achieve the same. If that is the better solution in this case, I don't know.
added Alignment label
assigned to @shollitt
- Resolved by Patrick Spradlin
added ci-test-triggered label
- [2023-02-02 17:06] Validation started with lhcb-master-mr#6914
- [2023-02-22 12:52] Validation started with lhcb-master-mr#7103
Edited by Software for LHCbmentioned in issue #518 (closed)
mentioned in issue #527 (closed)
- Resolved by Sebastien Ponce
mentioned in issue #530 (closed)
assigned to @rmatev