B2OC: Tbc & Xibc decays with similar final states
adding Tbc
(bcu~d~ tetraquark) and Xibc
decay lines to HLT2 aiming to make them similar between each other and to already existing Xibc lines.
While reducing rates to bring down to <200Hz had adjusted selection for existing Xibc
and Ombc
lines using created make_xibc2cx
, make_xibc2ccx
, make_tbc2cx
, make_tbc2ccx
with tighter cuts
- PT(Xibc/Tbc) > 6 GeV [was 5 GeV]
- PIDk(K) > -2, PIDp(p) > -2 [was -5]
- vtx(Charm)_Z - vtx(Xibc/Tbc)_Z > -0.5mm
- in Xibc/Tbc -> Charm + hadrons: PT(p/k/pi) > 500 MeV [was mainly 250 MeV]
- in Xibc/Tbc -> Charm1 + Charm2 + hadrons: PT(p/k) > 500 MeV, PT(pi) > 350 MeV
- in Xibc/Tbc -> Charm + hh: sumPT(hh) > 2.25 GeV
- in Xibc/Tbc -> Charm1 + CHarm2 + hh: sumPT(hh) > 1.25 GeV
Plus created dedicated tighter versions of D0
, D+
, Lc
, Xic
selectors named _for_xibc
- PIDk(K) > -2, PIDp(p) > -2 [was -5]
- PIDk(pi) < 2 [was 5]
- vchi2pdof < 7, [was 10]
- tighter mass windows:
- +-50MeV for D0->Kpi
- +-40MeV for D+->Kpipi, D0->K3pi, Lc->pKpi, Xic+->pKpi, Xic0->ppKpi
- and for D0->K3pi increased FD_chi2>49 [while keep 36 for all others]. Logic is that more tracks give better FD resolution, plus more pions in final state means larger background from PV.
All lines with D0
are in two variants - D0ToKPi
and D0ToKPiPiPi
. Merged versions D0ToKPiOrKPiPiPi
are also prepared and can be included in hlt2 or sprucing at any moment.
Merge request reports
added B2OC label
added RTA label
added 34 commits
Toggle commit list@ipolyako Is this MR ready for review?
- Resolved by Alessandro Bertolin
requested review from @abertoli
requested review from @shunan
- Resolved by Alessandro Bertolin
@ipolyako concerning this:
My first idea on how to reduce them is to change hadron selection to make_tightpid_tight_XXX. The question is should I do the same for other Xibc->Dh(h), Xibc->DDh(h) lines even if their rate is below 1kHz and they're not mine?
I am not sure I understand what you mean but the
golden rule
is that authorA
can NOT applay cuts to linea
that will change the retention of lineb
authored byB
should you have any issue with this rule myself and @shunan will advise you on the code
if you mean something different please try again to tell me your point
- Resolved by Alessandro Bertolin
@ipolyako concerning retentions let me add this example
for a line I care the expected signal rate is easy to compute because all BR and fragmentation fractions are know, 9.8 Hz
with the tuning in the present Moore master I get (1e+6 * 8./150000.) = 53.33 Hz i.e. running on 150k I retain 8
so clearly 50 Hz > 10 Hz ... but I am not
multiple orders of magnitude away
...so in a first attempt starting from 1 kHz you could try to reach 100 Hz and then we start to argue from there
concerning the expected signal rate I may have omitted to tell you that we use 100 % trigger efficiency for it so it is just a product of the b cross section, the fragmentation function and the relevant BR
but in your specific case it can well be that most of these factors are unknown ... so if you put
< 10 Hz
or any other guestimate you have it's fineEdited by Alessandro Bertolin
@ipolyako @sblusk (cc @shunan) let me try to catch up a few point above:
- A natural way to do that would be modify
selection, but that's likely to influence many people. Maybe it's a good thing for everybody, or should we instead create a new selector, let's saymake_tightmass_tight_dzero_XXX
golden rule
: that authorA
can NOT applay cuts to linea
that will change the retention of lineb
authored byB
please let's stick to the
golden rule
, may be proponentB
need a wider mass window on the D0 to estimate some background, it should not be an issue to introduce a new selector- During this year, the BW won't be an issue, right? So maybe it's OK that we're a bit over the BW budget?
can we quantify with numbers the meaning of
a bit over the budget
? at the top of this page there were lines running > 1 kHz while your expected signal rate is O(1) Hzif you click here: https://lhcbpr-hlt.web.cern.ch/UpgradeRateTest/RateTest_lhcb-master.1907_Moore_hlt2_rate_and_size_x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc11-opt+g_2023-01-24_02:33:28_+0100/all_rates.html you will see a table with the rates of all B2OC lines in master, in decreasing rate order, the top one is at 280 Hz
I can only hope you can stay below that number
if I have forgotten something relevant point me to it please
- A natural way to do that would be modify
Hi, Can you tell me what is the rate limit for Sprucing lines?
For the HLT2 rate-limited lines: I think the main idea, in my mind, is to come up with cuts that are as generous as possible with respect to lifetime and pT of individual particle, since we don't know the lifetime of these states, and for multibody decays, pT spectra of the lowest momentum particle can be low.
For the D0 -> K3pi modes you could make a new "tighter" module, with a) a narrower mass window for your D0: Mass resolution for D0->K3pi is going to be ~5 MeV. So, 60 MeV --> 40 MeV mass window is going to save you up to 50% in rate. b) tighter vertex chisq / dof cut, reduce from 10 -> 6. This will only cost a few percent loss in efficiency (assuming VELO is aligned). and is not lifetime biasing, or dependent on pT (in principle). With unaligned VELO, of course you will lose more, but we're not going to be finding Tbc in 2023! c) You could tweak up the "ASUMPT' from 1800 MeV to 2000 MeV, or maybe a bit higher to see how much it gains you. Good thing here of course, is that it is just 1 cut, and can be satisfied in many ways among the four daughters.
One could also try and consider an ASUMPT cut on the bachelor hadrons? This is what I had done in 1 Run 1/2 stripping lines. For Tbc -> Charm + hh, the 2 bachelors should have sizeable SumpT. I don't know if there is an easy way to include that kind of cut in the current framework though.
Another possibility is to increase the minimum decay time from 0.1 ps to 0.15 ps. I know this goes against what I said above, but in reality, with a decay time resolution ~40 fs (say, optimistically), 100 fs is only 2.5 sigma. One is likely to be swamped in background here, and these events may be, for all practical purposes, useless.
Just some thoughts from my side...
Cheers, Steve
Hi, Can you tell me what is the rate limit for Sprucing lines?
if you look here: https://lhcbpr-hlt.web.cern.ch/UpgradeRateTest/RateTest_lhcb-master.1928_Moore_spruce_rate_and_size_x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc11+detdesc-opt+g_2023-02-12_09:52:46_+0100/plots_per_wg.html you will find the plot I attach below for convenience:
whatever line is above 1 kHz has a, let's say, red warning attached to it (there are a few not visible in this plot, the red warning is visible in a different page)
this 1 kHz is likely a (very) generous limit
looking at the plot you should try to target < 400 Hz, < 200 Hz would be better
For Tbc -> Charm + hh, the 2 bachelors should have sizeable SumpT. I don't know if there is an easy way to include that kind of cut in the current framework though.
from: https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/DaVinci/-/blob/master/DaVinciExamples/python/DaVinciExamples/tupling/AllFunctors.py I guess what you need is:
in the last 6 to 12 months an extensive functor writing campain occurred so now we have a significantly better coverage that when we did the conversion to ThOr of the B2OC code, F.CHILD(,) is an example
and we had to do that conversion because we needed multi-thread compliance
Hi @ipolyako , @abertoli , Great. I could pull a number out of the air, say 1.5 GeV, but it's probably better to run a quick simulation (preferably EvtGenOnly, but maybe RapidSim is OK too), make the p, pT cuts on the D meson, it's daughters, and on the bachelors, then see what the SUMPT spectrum of the 2 bachelors looks like. Decide how much signal efficiency loss you'd be willing to tolerate (10%-ish?), and give that cut a try. What do you think? Cheers, Steve
thanks Steve, I have ran RapidSim for
- Xibc0 -> Lc+ D0 pi+ pi-
- Xibc+ -> D0 D0 p+ pi-
- Tbc0 -> D0 D0 pi+ pi-
taking m(Xibc)=6.91 GeV according to Karliner&Rosner and m(Tbc)=7.14 GeV (5MeV below BD threshold).
After applying cuts on p,PT & sumPT of Lc and D0 daughters according to
lines and PT>0.25GeV for bachelor hadrons I get following histograms for sumPT of all Xibc/Tbc daughters and two bachelor tracks: Applying cutsumPT(Xibc)>5.5GeV
has efficiency of 88-96% (depending on channel) and consecutive cutPT(h1)+PT(h2)>1.25GeV
has efficiency of 86-93%, i.e. combined efficiency is 82-85%, which I consider is reasonable enough.then done similar exersize for modes with one charm:
- Xibc+ -> Lc+ K- pi+
- Xibc0 -> D0 p+ K-
- Tbc0 -> D0 K- pi+
Applying cut
has efficiency of 94-97% and consecutive cutPT(h1)+PT(h2)>2.25GeV
has efficiency of 90-95%, i.e. combined efficiency is 88-92%.I'll estimate resulting rates today/tomorrow so can make final decision on cuts. I attach here plots for future reference.
I have estimated HLT2 rates (with 86k events) after tightening selections for PT of bachelor hadrons and tightening mass windows and PID requirements for D0/D+/Lc/Xic.
Now most of lines have HLT2 rates within 100Hz, there are only few above 200Hz:
TbcToD0KmPip_D0ToKPiOrKPiPiPi: 310Hz
(while if separatedTbcToD0KmPip_D0ToKPi: 240Hz
,TbcToD0KmPip_D0ToKPiPiPi: 130Hz
) -
Xibc0ToPD0K_D0ToKPiOrKPiPiPi: 330Hz
(while if separatedXibc0ToPD0K_D0ToKPi: 270Hz
,Xibc0ToPD0K_D0ToKPiPiPi: 120Hz
) XibcpToXicpPiPi_XicpToPKPi: 200Hz
XibcpToLcpPiPi_LcpToPKPi: 230Hz
the last three lines were introduced by @sblusk and their rates been reduced by factor 1.5-3x. full list can be found here.
@sblusk, please let me know if you're OK with changes.
@shunan, @abertoli, please let me know if you want me to put all lines in HLT2, or some of them to Sprucing.
added 79 commits
783e3702...495e3b29 - 6 commits from branch
- 0e4f9d75 - add some extra things to packing
- b5b2df5e - ensure calo digits are in dependency chain
- 614a0224 - fix calo cluster naming
- 9e846dc1 - add a test for unpacking extra persisted objects and relations
- 0294e7af - Added detdesc specific ref files where dd4hep is failing
- a53c9a4e - Add detdesc specific reference log files
- a19471d4 - Merge branch 'sponce_detdescRefFiles' into 'master'
- d80ad9b4 - Revert "Merge branch 'sponce_detdescRefFiles' into 'master'"
- ce8bfb2f - Merge branch 'revert-a19471d4' into 'master'
- 32ec7cc1 - Merge branch 'add-detdesc-specific-ref-logs' into 'master'
- 61567a44 - Make sure there is no collision of name between histo and ntuple root files
- 2716a78f - Update References for: Allen!1118 (merged), !2055 (merged) based on lhcb-master-mr/6950
- 8a2ceaca - Use views in Velo and Velo-UT Allen-Gaudi converters
- 61e9494d - Merge branch 'thboettc_update_gaudi_allen_converters' into 'master'
- 390efa3f - Merge branch 'ref_bot_Allen1118_Moore2055' into 'master'
- 254702a1 - Update References for: LHCb!3953 (merged), !2053 (merged), DaVinci!809 (merged) based on lhcb-master-mr/6955
- cb95e595 - Merge branch 'sponce_histoFiles' into 'master'
- a4e5040e - Merge branch 'ref_bot_LHCb3953_Moore2053_DaVinci809' into 'master'
- 44895f3b - Set correctly geometry and conditions versions in some tests
- 085958ca - Merge branch 'fix-dd4hep-geom-cond-versions' into 'master'
- 9e5ca4f6 - Fix documentation jobs in pipeline
- 30581c6c - Merge branch 'rm-fix-docs' into 'master'
- 0af176d3 - Update v3 detdesc refs from lhcb-master/1924
- 340a5b80 - Merge branch 'fix-refs' into 'master'
- 658205ac - Fixed a typo that was preventing the example job to successfully run
- 3a1e7149 - Merge branch 'mamartin-master-patch-62252' into 'master'
- 18e6da42 - fix doc for running HLT1
- 3ff1f57c - Merge branch 'doc_fix_HLT1' into 'master'
- e0fc9541 - Remove unused references
- a885a5e8 - Make default refs symlinks to detdesc refs
- 7b9bbda9 - Remove redundant reference validation
- e7ec4698 - Merge branch 'rm-dd4hep-refs' into 'master'
- be163a86 - Update References for: Allen!1107 (merged) based on lhcb-master-mr/6994
- 37f26f35 - Merge branch 'ref_bot_Allen1107' into 'master'
- 15aabdc7 - Fix test race conditions
- ab2a5669 - Merge branch 'rm-fix-test-races' into 'master'
- f36a3ae1 - Update References for: Rec!3234 (merged) based on lhcb-master-mr/7004
- fe7fd0dd - Merge branch 'ref_bot_Rec3234' into 'master'
- 3f4142a2 - Follow LHCb!3954 (merged)
- 3a3a60ab - Update References for: LHCb!3950 (merged), MooreOnline!201 (merged) based on lhcb-master-mr/7016
- ad0dc421 - Merge branch 'ref_bot_LHCb3950_MooreOnline201' into 'master'
- 74482c93 - Merge branch 'rm-follow-LHCb-3954' into 'master'
- 09b36fc4 - Update References for: LHCb!3891 (merged), Rec!3192 (merged) based on lhcb-master-mr/7020
- 968e3a63 - Merge branch 'ref_bot_LHCb3891_Rec3192' into 'master'
- 6432c81e - Update References for: LHCb!3943 (merged), !2023 (merged) based on lhcb-master-mr/7035
- 3b48dba9 - Merge branch 'sevda-extra-persistreco' into 'master'
- 56db7ecc - Merge branch 'ref_bot_LHCb3943_Moore2023' into 'master'
- 3a90b750 - Remove obsolete dedicated ref comparison tolerances
- 2293d4fd - Increase tolerance for some CALO counters
- 83da8a05 - Merge branch 'rm-sensitivity' into 'master'
- a26b912f - done for Xibc->pDDX, Tbc->Dh,DD,DDh,DDhh
- 0760449a - adding
- 005ae43a - adding to spruce
- a504fc8c - more lines and edits
- fa186093 - add files
- 32e414d2 - moving to default D0 (no D~0) combiners
- 3a2992a1 - fix errors
- c4981e3a - fix errors
- cd3a7b64 - fix python-linting
- 015261a2 - Fixed formatting
- 508890c3 - debugging
- cbf53fc2 - fix Lambda lines, adjust selections and add Tbc & tight_dzero_kpipipi builders
- 461b0b61 - Fixed formatting
- dc9e01ed - tighten protons in Xibc^Ccharm+h(h)
- 81b6aafb - minor edit
- ab565148 - tightening cuts, version _2
- 8a3fce01 - tightening and unifroming cuts, version _3
- 6014c171 - small fix
- a01ebea3 - fix missing bc2vtx_sep and formatting
- a63e6f54 - fix mm and formatting
- 6d9930a8 - updating selections, version _4
- 318c1ee4 - selection v_5
- 37a18684 - update selections
Toggle commit list-
783e3702...495e3b29 - 6 commits from branch
- Resolved by Alessandro Bertolin
@ipolyako concerning "please let me know if you want me to put all lines in HLT2, or some of them to Sprucing." I understand that there are just 4 lines above 200 Hz, with the highest rate being 330 Hz
so I would suggest Hlt2
I would have a preference for splitting the D0 modes but I let you the final decision
now let's assume you have the ok of @sblusk then you have to give me and @shunan some time to look at the diff of your code with the
branch, during this time you have to keep your code frozen of course, usually myself and Shunan are quite efficient in running the review, then we will merge intob2oc_upgrade
but PLEASE when you think we have to start drop here a clear message
- Resolved by Alessandro Bertolin
@abertoli , @ipolyako @shunan : Hi,
If I understand, the main changes to reduce the rate have been the sum(pT) on the bachelors (1.25 GeV for cchh, and 2.25 GeV for c h h), and 40 MeV mass windows on the charm baryons. If those are the only changes, they are fine with me. If we have to reduce more, it is probably better to look at other variables, like vertex chi2 / dof, where a cut at 10 is quite generous for a well-aligned detector. (A cut at 6 would likely cut 20-30% more background with few percent signal loss in signal efficiency. Cheers, Steve
@ipolyako : It's fine to leave, if rates are acceptable. I have some old B-->DD MC samples (2012), and the vertex chisq is strongly peaked at 0. Of course, this is with a fully aligned detector, which can be expected in the long term. So, eventually, if we need to reduce rate further, rather than cut into pT spectra, I'd recommend tighter cuts on vertex chisq. cheers, Steve