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Add routing bits filter to control flow

Nicole Skidmore requested to merge Spruce_commish into master

Needs LHCb!3952 (merged)

Development required to run over 2022 data

  • Routing bits filter
  • Place holder for lumi control flow
  • Two unit tests (excl and pass) - only run on dd4hep platforms
  • HLT2 DstData RawBank is now persisted through spruce jobs until we have a SelReports -like replacement
  • PhysFilter ERROR #unexpected number of HltRoutingBits rawbanks are understood

cc @cburr who will help make these scripts 🚀

In CI tests

  • check that new check_dec_reports is ok with older tests
  • check 2022 data tests only run in dd4hep

To follow up

  • Follow up this MR with better tests of output using which also checks particles
  • Add test that checks HLT2 DstData bank is persisted through excl Sprucing (in above, or otherwise, or both) See issue


Filter behaviour checked with GP (using GaudiSequencer) vs. Sprucing

algs = unpack + [rb_filter] + [createODIN()]
##Use of GaudiSequence makes a LAZY_AND control flow
from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
sequence = GaudiSequencer("Sequence", Members=algs)
app = ApplicationMgr(TopAlg=[sequence])
#LHCbTimingAudit...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max | entries | total (s) |
#LHCbTimingAudit...   INFO EVENT LOOP                    |     0.094 |     0.104 |    0.073      16.9 |   53606 |     5.592 |
#LHCbTimingAudit...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#LHCbTimingAudit...   INFO  Sequence                     |     0.050 |     0.055 |    0.037      16.7 |   53606 |     2.924 |
#LHCbTimingAudit...   INFO   LHCb__UnpackRawEvent        |     0.031 |     0.037 |    0.025      16.7 |   53606 |     1.973 |
#LHCbTimingAudit...   INFO   PhysFilter                  |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.006       5.2 |   53606 |     0.581 |
#LHCbTimingAudit...   INFO   createODIN                  |     0.009 |     0.007 |    0.004       6.1 |    8044 |     0.056 |
#LHCbTimingAudit...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO StateTree: CFNode   #executed  #passed
LAZY_AND: rb_filtered_moore_node                                                                                 #=53606   Sum=142         Eff=|(0.2648957 +- 0.0222001)%|
 HltRoutingBitsFilter/PhysFilter                                                                                 #=53606   Sum=8044        Eff=|( 15.00578 +- 0.154247)%|
 LAZY_AND: moore                                                                                                 #=8044    Sum=142         Eff=|( 1.765291 +- 0.146827)%|
Edited by Nicole Skidmore

Merge request reports
