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Initial hlt2/sprucing scripts to create testfiles for ew-tuples/analyses

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-initial-anaprod into ew-analyses-productions

Shifters: Please Ignore.

Goal of this MR is to get the initial 4 selections of simulation run through hlt2 and sprucing lines, to prepare the data for ew-tuples framework.
(Part of the Run3 ew-analyses framework development: see Wiki ).
As per the previous efforts (MR, create two distinct sets of simulation per selection. (Of the form {sample}.{ext} for sample in [Z, ZDATA, W, WDATA, JPsi, JPsiDATA, U1S, U1SDATA])

This MR part is made up of 3 main changes.

  • Some QEE Sprucing lines for JPsi&U1S [Passthrough after BandQ Hlt2 lines].
  • Simple hlt2 and sprucing python scripts.
  • Config files to run the aforementioned scripts per simulation dataset chosen.
  • and a bash script that ties it together.

The usage of the files in this MR should be clear from the ./anaprod/ script

Will force ew-tuples & ew-analyses MRs to accommodate these changes.


Given 10k simulation events, the final amount in the tuples are as follows

Sel_Samp Events (1000)
JPsi_JPsi 2.18
JPsi_JPsiDATA 2.20
U1S_U1S 2.47
U1S_U1SDATA 2.43
Wm_W 2.27
Wm_WDATA 2.26
Wp_W 3.40
Wp_WDATA 3.27
Z_Z 2.27
Z_ZDATA 2.23
Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports
