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BnoC HLT2 lines -- tune existing BdsToKstzKstzb and BdsToKstzRho lines and add new BdsToRhoRho and BdsToPhiRho lines

Matthew David Monk requested to merge mmonk_bnoc_VV_tuning into bnoc_run3_zewen

This MR tunes the rates/efficiencies of the BnoC HLT2 lines BdsToKstzKstzb and BdsToKstzRho lines and adds two lines missing from the set of charmless B->VV lines, BdsToRhoRho and BdsToPhiRho.

Line Incl. Rate (kHz) Excl. Rate (kHz) Eff. (%)
BdsToKstzKstzb 0.14334 \pm 0.0223 0.09439 \pm 0.0181 39 \pm 2
BdsToKstzRho 0.13635 \pm 0.0218 0.08390 \pm 0.0171 35 \pm 2
BdsToPhiRho 0.00349 \pm 0.0034 0.0 \pm 0.0 37 \pm 2
BdsToRhoRho 0.08041 \pm 0.0167 0.05244 +/- 0.0135 34 \pm 2
Total: 0.318 \pm 0.033 - -

The rates are estimated from 50000 HLT1-filtered minbias events. The efficiencies are estimated on the following vector-vector MC samples for each line:

  • BdsToKstzKstzb -- 13104001 -- B_s^0 \to K^*(892)^0 \bar{K}^*(892)^0
  • BdstoKstzRho -- 11104041 -- B^0 \to K^*(892)^0 \rho(770)^0
  • BdsToPhiRho -- 13104051 -- B_s^0 \to \phi(1020) \rho(770)^0
  • BdsToRhoRho -- 11104061 -- B^0 \to \rho(770)^0 \rho(770)^0

The changes made in add optional arguments to the Kstar, phi and rho builders and so will not affect existing lines already using these builders.


This is cross-posted from !2388 (merged) where the overlaps are checked w.r.t. 4h lines which have the same final state as these VV lines. cond_probs


Edited by Zewen Chen

Merge request reports
