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Charm: Hexaquarks / Dibaryons

Ivan Polyakov requested to merge charm_ipolyako_hexa into master

Lines to search for different hexaquarks(dibaryons) with s, ss, c, cs, cc quarks. Plus two pentaquarks where quark-antiquark annihilation is not possible: Ps=s~ udud, Pc=c~ udud.

  • for those weakly decaying (and thus long-lived):
  • for those strongly decaying (and thus short-lived): out lines in ift/hlt2_ift_femtoscopy (!2279 (merged)) (previously worked on

Can be considered as replacement for StrippingCharm2PPX of Run2, but written without looking at it and with much broader list of lines.

Edited by Ivan Polyakov

Merge request reports
