BandQ HLT2 lines for Jpsi2LambdaLambdabar
Hlt2 lines for Jpsi -> Lambda anti-Lambda decay process. The Lambdas are reconstructed from LL/DD/TT tracks.
The LL/DD combinations refer to the Run 2 StrippingCcbar2LambdaLambdaJpsi2LooseLambdaLambdaLine.
The TT combinations follow the !1873 (merged) but with a tight cut in LambdaTT reconstruction.
The make_ttrack_protons_for_V0
and make_ttrack_pions_for_V0
functions in
are extended with more arguments to further suppress the rate.
The rates are estimated according to the minbias_hlt1_filtered
rate Hlt2BandQ_Jpsi2LmdLmd_DDDD
#= 365988.0 Sum= 35.0 | rate = ( 95.6 +/- 16.2 ) Hz
rate Hlt2BandQ_Jpsi2LmdLmd_LLDD
#= 365988.0 Sum= 22.0 | rate = ( 60.1 +/- 12.8 ) Hz
rate Hlt2BandQ_Jpsi2LmdLmd_LLLL
#= 365988.0 Sum= 34.0 | rate = ( 92.9 +/- 15.9 ) Hz
rate Hlt2BandQ_Jpsi2LmdLmd_TTDD
#= 365988.0 Sum= 41.0 | rate = ( 112.0 +/- 17.5 ) Hz
rate Hlt2BandQ_Jpsi2LmdLmd_TTLL
#= 365988.0 Sum= 39.0 | rate = ( 106.6 +/- 17.1 ) Hz