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QEE: Hlt2 lines for quarkonia (Jpsi & U1S)

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-hlt2qee-qonialines into master

@rjhunter We are proposing adding in new Hlt2 lines from QEE for Jpsi->mumu and Upsilon(1S)->mumu, gaining control on the kinematic cuts and making them more static as opposed to already existing options (BandQ and QEE's Drell-Yan lines). These are intended for turbo stream in QEE.

Generating general dimuon builders, and then specificying the defaults in functions make_jpsi_{prompt/displaced}() and make_upsilon().

Was decided to reduce rate by adding prescale=0.1 for the Jpsi_Prompt line specifically.
Rates calculated on 20k minbias (hlt1-filtered). Efficiencies calculated with 5k signal MC (jpsi's use a corrected denominator to split into Detached and Prompt).

All lines have the following cuts:
min_pt_muon = 500. MeV
max_trchi2ndof_muon = 5.
max_vchi2ndof = 10.

Property Jpsi_detached Jpsi_prompt Upsilon(1s)
dimuon_mass_PDG 3096.9 MeV 3096.9 MeV 9460.3 MeV
dimuon_mass_window 100 MeV 100 MeV 400 MeV
min_bpvdls 3. None None
max_bpvdls None 3. None
prescale 1 0.1 1
- - - -
Rate 0.9 +/- 0.2120 kHz 0.605 +/- 0.1734 kHz 0.15 +/- 0.0865 kHz
Est. Signal Rate 0.22 kHz 0.14 kHz 0.01 kHz
Signal Efficiency 0.712 +/- 0.033 0.079 +/- 0.004 0.805 +/- 0.007


  • Improve rates and efficiencies to acceptable values
Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports
