optimized BcTohhh and BuTohhh
We found BcTohhh and BuTohhh consume quite a lot of time, which mainly due to the repeated lines Bu(Bc)->KKK/KKpi/Kpipi/pipipi/pppi/ppk and larges combinatorial backgrounds from soft tracks. The optimized lines do not use them again but inclusively with separated Bu and Bc
- without any PID requirement,
- without ghost and track chisquare cut.
- increase minimum transverse momentum from 200 to 500 MeV.
Now the efficiency increase a little when the same Bu->KKK and Bc->KKK MC sample are used. So for Bu->KKK the efficiency increase from 4.8% to 5.1%, while Bc->KKK 2.1%->2.3%, see old one !2122 (merged)
The consume time from 382.24877 us/event to 38.665 us/event each line. Since the number of lines decrease from 12 to 2. More time are saved.
Edited by Zewen Chen