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optimized BcTohhh and BuTohhh

Youhua Yang requested to merge optimized_BuandBcTohhh into bnoc_run3_zewen

We found BcTohhh and BuTohhh consume quite a lot of time, which mainly due to the repeated lines Bu(Bc)->KKK/KKpi/Kpipi/pipipi/pppi/ppk and larges combinatorial backgrounds from soft tracks. The optimized lines do not use them again but inclusively with separated Bu and Bc

  1. without any PID requirement,
  2. without ghost and track chisquare cut.
  3. increase minimum transverse momentum from 200 to 500 MeV.

Now the efficiency increase a little when the same Bu->KKK and Bc->KKK MC sample are used. So for Bu->KKK the efficiency increase from 4.8% to 5.1%, while Bc->KKK 2.1%->2.3%, see old one !2122 (merged)

The consume time from 382.24877 us/event to 38.665 us/event each line. Since the number of lines decrease from 12 to 2. More time are saved.

Edited by Zewen Chen

Merge request reports
