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Add DiMuonNoIP same sign lines and fix minor issues

Kate Abigail Richardson requested to merge kaaricha_dimuonnoip_updates into master

Goes with lhcb-datapkg/PRConfig!329 (merged).

This MR adds 9 lines to the DiMuonNoIP lines which have rates of:

line rate (kHz) prescale stream
SS mass range 1 (0-740 MeV) 3.2 0.1 turbo
SS mass range 2 (740 MeV - 1.1 GeV) 2.5 0.1 turbo
SS mass range 3 (1.1 - 3 GeV) 5.1 0.1 turbo
SS mass range 4 (3 - 3.2 GeV) 0.5 0.1 turbo
SS mass range 5 (3.2 - 9 GeV) 2.2 0.1 turbo
SS mass range 6 (9 - 110 GeV) 0.02 0.1 turbo
SS displaced 2.5 0.1 turbo
full OS 0.098 0.001 full
full SS 0.124 0.001 full

The rates were calculated using the UpgradeHLT1FilteredWithGEC sample. These lines can be prescaled further if necessary.

These lines are for the dark photon analysis and use the cuts used in run two for the same lines.

Some other minor fixes were made to the DiMuonNoIP lines as a whole including moving the IPchi2 cut to the muons and fixing the opposite sign decay descriptor. It is also moved to the qee folder. This removes the DiMuonNoIP module, necessitating changes in options files that try to import this(/all) module(s); see also lhcb-datapkg/PRConfig!329 (merged).

The OS lines that were already merged have rates around:

line rate (kHz) prescale stream
mass range 1 (0-740 MeV) 8.8 1 turbo
mass range 2 (740 MeV - 1.1 GeV) 7.1 1 turbo
mass range 3 (1.1 - 3 GeV) 81.7 1 turbo
mass range 4 (3 - 3.2 GeV) 9.7 1 turbo
mass range 5 (3.2 - 9 GeV) 24.6 1 turbo
mass range 6 (9 - 110 GeV) 0 1 turbo
displaced 27.4 1 turbo
prescaled all mass 10.3 0.1 turbo

Please note that the last one is completely included in the mass ranges currently, but is there in case of future prescaling.

The size of a dimuon event was measured using the bandwidth test to be 4 kB, making the bandwidth of both the OS and SS lines much less than the rates suggest.

Using the HltEfficiencyChecker tool, the efficiencies for J/psi -> mumu and Upsilon -> mumu were measured as 0.647 +/- 0.116 and 0.867 +/- 0.051 respectively.

Edited by Ross John Hunter

Merge request reports
