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RD: prefer ParticleFilters to ParticleCombiners for rdbuilders, remove duplicates in B2XTauL

Tommaso Fulghesu requested to merge tfulghes-RD-builder-optimization into master

Changes in the following MR are quite trivial: no new line is added, lines selecting same events are removed, spruce lines are now hlt2 filtered from topo lines instead of the respective hlt2 lines (those will be direct to the Turbo stream with !2325 (merged)) and few other fixes are applied and listed below.

  • Move eta' and K1 builder to general rdbuilder_thor, aiming at being used for other lines.
  • Replace old combiners with filtering operations, without changing the inputs of the selection from the original combiner.
  • Improve combination cut before vertex fit to reduce combinatorics in taul builder.
  • Remove duplicate lines with B0 and Bs (spotted by @rquaglia, thanks!)
  • Change the hlt2 filter for spruce lines, adopting the topological hlt2 trigger
  • Fix lines doc & dd

cc: @abertoli, @nskidmor

Edited by Tommaso Fulghesu

Merge request reports
