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SL: SLB lines as sprucing with persitreco=False

Abhijit Mathad requested to merge AM_spruce into master

This MR follows the discussion. Here we duplicate all SLB Hlt2 lines with persistreco=True (essentially all of them) into sprucing lines with persitreco=False.

To do:

  • After discussion with WG turn the persistreco=True as true for select few lines for which the isolation studies need to be conducted.
  • Add a OR for Hlt2Topo2BodyDecision || Hlt2Topo3BodyDecision || <corresponding_line_in_hlt2>. This would be helpful for overlap studies.

FYI: @jugarcia , @sklaver , @mvesteri , @poluekt, @gciezare

Keeping track of Sprucing selections in DPA task

Edited by Abhijit Mathad

Merge request reports