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new BnoC HLT2 line for BdsToKShh decays

Duanqing Liu requested to merge bnoc_duanqing into bnoc_run3_zewen

This MR is prepared for a new Hlt2 trigger line: 'BdsToKsppbar'.

This resulting rates puts here at present.

Line:	 Hlt2BnoC_BdsToPpPmKS_DDDecision                 	 Incl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz,	Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2BnoC_BdsToPpPmKS_LLDecision                 	 Incl: 0.22024 +/- 0.1557 kHz,	Excl: 0.11012 +/- 0.1101 kHz

FYI @hyin

Edited by Duanqing Liu

Merge request reports
