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Low bias KSLL for D02KSHH low bias line

Maurizio Martinelli requested to merge mamartin-d2kshh-hlt2 into master

Added a low-bias selection for KSLL candidates for D02KSHH Low Bias line. Two algorithms are added:

  • make_long_pions_from_ks_lowbias that selects rich long pions with
    • IP > 200 µm
    • PIDK < 5
    • PT > 200 MeV
    • P > 1500 MeV
  • make_kshort_ll_lowbias() that takes as input the pions from above and has slightly looser cuts than make_kshort_ll to align them with the HLT1 line (D2Kshh see Allen!559 (merged)) being ready to be committed. Also the BPVFDCHI2 cut is removed.

The line builders

  • dzero2kspimpipLL_lowbiasline
  • dzero2kskmkpLL_lowbiasline
  • dzero2kskmpipLL_lowbiasline
  • dzero2kskppimLL_lowbiasline
  • dstarp2dzeropip_dzero2kspimpipLL_lowbiasline
  • dstarp2dzeropip_dzero2kskmkpLL_lowbiasline
  • dstarp2dzeropip_dzero2pipkmksLL_lowbiasline
  • dstarp2dzeropip_dzero2pimkpksLL_lowbiasline

then take KS candidates from make_kshort_ll_lowbias

Merge request reports