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BnoC: start to populate BnoC sprucing lines

Thomas Latham requested to merge tlatham_bnoc_spruce into master

Start to populate BnoC sprucing lines

  • Allow hlt2_bnoc and sprucing_bnoc to use same line-booking functions - moved them into utils and added new 'process' argument
  • Automate creation of sprucing lines for any Hlt2 line that has persistreco=True, e.g. flavour-tagging lines, such that the sprucing line only runs on the events in which the corresponding Hlt2 line fires

Given current BnoC Hlt2 lines with persistreco=True, this MR adds the following 7 Spruce lines:

  • SpruceBnoC_BdsToKpKmKpKm
  • SpruceBnoC_BdsToKpKmKpPim
  • SpruceBnoC_BdsToKpKmPipPim
  • SpruceBnoC_BdsToKpPimPipPim
  • SpruceBnoC_BdsToKstzKstzb
  • SpruceBnoC_BdsToPhiPhi
  • SpruceBnoC_BdsToPipPimPipPim

Have tested that these lines result in exactly the same number of candidates as selected by their corresponding Hlt2 lines.

cc: @msaur @mmonk @zewen

Edited by Eduardo Rodrigues

Merge request reports
