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Draft: hot fix to BuToHpmumu, BuToHppee, BdToHpHmmumu and BdToHpHmee sprucing lines to increase the rates reported in PR tests from 0 to ~0.5 kHz, as declared in !2445

Michele Atzeni requested to merge matzeni/test-moving-lines into master

The rates reported in the PR test for the BuToHpmumu, BuToHppee, BdToHpHmmumu and BdToHpHmee sprucing lines are 0, while the expected rates are of the order of 0.5 kHz, as declared in !2445 (merged) .

Currently, the fix works for me locally with a freshly installed stack. The reason of the change in the rate is however not clear to me since, as it can be seen, the change simply corresponds to a moving the lines from one file to another.

Merge request reports
