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[QEE] Sprucing lines filtering on Z->mu mu track efficiency HLT2 lines for ew-analyses.

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-ewAP-ZTrackEff into ew-analyses-productions

Shifters: please ignore (Part of the Run3 ew-analyses framework development: see Wiki ).

Adding the Hlt2QEE_TrackEff_Z line decisions to the testfiles for the ew-projects

As these lines are FULL stream, needs Sprucing lines to access the information. [Will need mirroring to Master once we test it here]
The shortest amount of sprucing lines needed are 3, one per trkeff_method.

There are 12 lines at Hlt2 Hlt2QEE_TrackEff_ZToMuMu_{Method}_{Probe_charges}_{Decision_Types}:

  • 3 Methods
    • Downstream (UT+SciFi+Muon), VeloMuon, UTMuon
  • 2 Probe_charges
    • mup, mum (which muon is the Probe in the event)
  • 2 Decision_types
    • Tag (does the Tag&Probe sample exist), Match (Does the probe match a Long track)

This adds 3 lines at Sprucing SpruceQEE_TrackEff_ZToMuMu_{Method}_Tag:

  • 3 Methods, captures all Tag&Probe events that occur for that method.
  • Includes an Hlt2 filter on the relevant Hlt2 lines to reduce computation time at the Sprucing Stage


  • This change is 'echo'd in !2467 (merged).
  • The DecayDescriptor requires 'cc' to be added, else the charge of the Probe muon is fixed.

  • This change is entirely clarity based, no physics changed. (see: !2494 (comment 6921823))
  • Will need moving to master and

  • The Spruce_TrackEff_Z lines and

  • make_lines to include trkeff lines


  • Create Sprucing lines to gather all TrkEff_Z_Tag events
  • Update ew_hlt2 and ew_spruce_FULL to include TrkEff_Z lines.
  • upload to /eos/lhcb/wg/QEE/ew_analyses/test_files_from_sprucing/05/
  • Resolve double-counting concern (see:
Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports
