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Add ghost probability to HLT2 track reconstruction

Marian Stahl requested to merge mstahl_ghostprob into master

New functions:

  • RecoConf.hlt2_tracking.get_UpgradeGhostId_tool returning an instance of UpgradeGhostId taking velo and UT hits as input (both with defaults)
  • RecoConf.hlt1_tracking.make_VPClus_hits returning cluster locations of VPClus to align it with VeloClusterTrackingSIMD

Changed functions and defaults:

  • RecoConf.hlt2_tracking.make_TrackBestTrackCreator_tracks
    • takes a list of tracks as input to anticipate future usecases
    • takes a ghost-prob tool, defaulting to get_UpgradeGhostId_tool
  • RecoConf.hlt2_tracking.make_hlt2_tracks
    • now makes the default input list of tracks to TrackBestTrackCreator
    • removed redundant duplication of default argument in call to all_hlt2_forward_track_types
  • RecoConf.hlt1_tracking.get_global_measurement_provider now takes velo_hits, anticipating that TrackBestTrackCreator's track fitting tool will be able to digest both, VPClus and VeloClusterTrackingSIMD hits

Closes #90 (closed)

Edited by Alex Pearce

Merge request reports
