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Updated selection for Run3 neutral Calibration lines

Debashis Sahoo requested to merge dsahoo_neutral_pid into master

Modification of the previous neutral pID branch, We ran these lines on the signal MC samples and saw signal peaks. The rates with expected 2024 min bias sample are here:

Decay channels:

  1. D_{s}^{*+} \to D_{s}^{+} \gamma, rate ~ `1 kHz, BW = 0.3 GB/s
  2. D_{(s)}^{+} \to \eta^{'} \pi^+, rate = 0+-0.1 kHz, BW = 0.034 GB/s
  3. \eta \to \mu^{+} \mu^{-} \gamma, rate = 0 kHz, without ISMUON cut the rate is higher
  4. D^{*+} \to D^{0} \pi^{+}, merged pi0: 0.228 kHz and resolved pi0: 1.026 kHz, total rate = 1 +- 0.4 kHz, BW = 0.32 GB/s
Edited by Debashis Sahoo

Merge request reports
