Updated selection for Run3 neutral Calibration lines
Modification of the previous neutral pID branch, https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Moore/-/blob/bdey_pid_neutral_nonhhG/. We ran these lines on the signal MC samples and saw signal peaks. The rates with expected 2024 min bias sample are here:
Decay channels:
D_{s}^{*+} \to D_{s}^{+} \gamma
, rate ~ `1 kHz, BW = 0.3 GB/s -
D_{(s)}^{+} \to \eta^{'} \pi^+
, rate = 0+-0.1 kHz, BW = 0.034 GB/s -
\eta \to \mu^{+} \mu^{-} \gamma
, rate = 0 kHz, without ISMUON cut the rate is higher -
D^{*+} \to D^{0} \pi^{+}
, merged pi0: 0.228 kHz and resolved pi0: 1.026 kHz, total rate = 1 +- 0.4 kHz, BW = 0.32 GB/s
Edited by Debashis Sahoo