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Add Lambda EDM/MDM lines for Lb->LcX, Lc->LX decays

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge mengzhen_MEDM_bdecays_LambdaTT into master

This is a MR to add the hlt2 lines of several exclusive Lb->LcX, Lc->LX decays, with Lambda reconstructed using T tracks. These decays will be used to measure the spin processing of Lambda in LHCb magnet, which can tag its EDM and MDM.

Target on turbo lines without persistReco.

Test the rate using the template written by Ross in DaVinci!1019 (merged).

Rates of B meson control lines are high. Add prescale to make all the lines having a rate smaller than 100Hz. Following numbers are rates assuming prescale=1.0.

Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2D3Pi_D2KS3Pi_TTDecision                Incl: 0.0342 +/- 0.0197 kHz,   Excl: 0.0114 +/- 0.0113 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2D3Pi_D2KSPi_TTDecision                 Incl: 1.6302 +/- 0.1362 kHz,   Excl: 1.44780 +/- 0.1283 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DDs_D2KS3Pi_TTDecision                 Incl: 0.057 +/- 0.0254 kHz,    Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DDs_D2KSPi_TTDecision                  Incl: 0.10260 +/- 0.0341 kHz,  Excl: 0.0456 +/- 0.0227 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DMuNu_D2KS3Pi_TTDecision               Incl: 0.0228 +/- 0.0161 kHz,   Excl: 0.0114 +/- 0.0113 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DMuNu_D2KSPi_TTDecision                Incl: 0.1254 +/- 0.0378 kHz,   Excl: 0.0798 +/- 0.0301 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DPiPiMuNu_D2KS3Pi_TTDecision           Incl: 0.0114 +/- 0.0113 kHz,   Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DPiPiMuNu_D2KSPi_TTDecision            Incl: 0.1254 +/- 0.0378 kHz,   Excl: 0.057 +/- 0.0254 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DPi_D2KS3Pi_TTDecision                 Incl: 0.0342 +/- 0.0197 kHz,   Excl: 0.0228 +/- 0.0161 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DPi_D2KSPi_TTDecision                  Incl: 0.2394 +/- 0.0522 kHz,   Excl: 0.1482 +/- 0.0411 kHz

Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2D3Pi_D2KSPi prescale 0.05

Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DDs_D2KSPi prescale 0.9

Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DMuNu_D2KSPi prescale 0.7

Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DPiPiMuNu_D2KSPi prescale 0.7

Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_B2DPi_D2KSPi prescale 0.4

Rates of Lb signal lines look better. No prescale applied.

Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2Lc3Pi_Lc2Lambda3Pi_TTDecision         Incl: 0.0228 +/- 0.0161 kHz,   Excl: 0.0114 +/- 0.0113 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2Lc3Pi_Lc2LambdaPi_TTDecision          Incl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz, Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2LcDs_Lc2Lambda3Pi_TTDecision          Incl: 0.0114 +/- 0.0113 kHz,   Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2LcDs_Lc2LambdaPi_TTDecision           Incl: 0.0456 +/- 0.0227 kHz,   Excl: 0.0114 +/- 0.0113 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2LcMuNu_Lc2Lambda3Pi_TTDecision        Incl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz, Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2LcMuNu_Lc2LambdaPi_TTDecision         Incl: 0.0684 +/- 0.0279 kHz,   Excl: 0.0342 +/- 0.0197 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2LcPiPiMuNu_Lc2Lambda3Pi_TTDecision    Incl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz, Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2LcPiPiMuNu_Lc2LambdaPi_TTDecision     Incl: 0.0798 +/- 0.0301 kHz,   Excl: 0.0456 +/- 0.0227 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2LcPi_Lc2Lambda3Pi_TTDecision          Incl: 0.0228 +/- 0.0161 kHz,   Excl: 0.0114 +/- 0.0113 kHz
Line:    Hlt2BandQ_EMDM_Lb2LcPi_Lc2LambdaPi_TTDecision           Incl: 0.0912 +/- 0.0322 kHz,   Excl: 0.0342 +/- 0.0197 kHz

Efficiencies are tested using some local MC. Denominators are generated MC events WITHOUT any Lambda flight distance cuts.

Lb2LcPi, Lc2LambdaPi: 64./20000. = 0.32% (withUT), 83./20000 = 0.42 % (without UT). Only Truth-matched events contribute to the denominator
Lb2LcDs, Lc2LambdaPi: 31./20000. = 0.16% (withUT), 39./20000 = 0.20 % (without UT). No truth-matching info used
Lb2LcMuNu, Lc2LambdaPi: 34/20000 = 0.17% (withUT), 35/20000 = 0.18% (withoutUT). Only Truth-matched events contribute to the denominator
Lb2LcMuNu, Lc2Lambda3Pi: 28/20000 = 0.13% (withUT), 35/20000 = 0.18% (withoutUT). Only Truth-matched events contribute to the denominator
Lb2LcPiPiMuNu, Lc2LambdaPi: 55/20000 = 0.28% (withUT), 64/20000 = 0.32% (withoutUT). Only Truth-matched events contribute to the denominator
Lb2LcPiPiMuNu, Lc2Lambda3Pi: 22/20000 = 0.11% (withUT), 17/20000 = 0.09% (withoutUT). Only Truth-matched events contribute to the denominator

c.c. to @isanders @ziyiw

Edited by Mengzhen Wang

Merge request reports
