Update SMOG2 IFT HLT2 lines for 2024
Add a list of updates to SMOG2 HLT2 lines to prepare for 2024 data taking with SMOG2.
New lines
They all have event rates much lower than previously merged SMOG2 lines. As previous lines, they are intended to go to FULL stream.
- Single track high pT lines:
- Generic detached vertex lines:
- DiLambda and diKs lines:
Hlt2IFT_SMOG2DiLambdaDDDD` -
: divide previous KS line in low and high pT to reduce rate (low pT KS line is prescaled) - New HLT2 phi line for physics:
- Dstar->D0pi line for PID studies and physics:
- Muon PID lines in SMOG2 with Jpsi->mu+mu-:
Other changes:
Trigger configuration is set back to nominal conditions, (last year we had loosen some selections to adapt to 2023 conditions). Also, tighter selections are set in some problematic lines to push down their rates.
- Add prescale to KS line (as now the lines to be used for calibration are the new low and high pT lines)
- Revert PVz cell position from [-700,-300] mm to [-541,-341] mm
- Tighten open charm cuts in BIPchi2 from minbpvipchi2=2 to minbpvipchi2=4
- Omega->Lambda K and Cascade->Lambda pi lines: remove requirement that Lambda BestPV is in SMOG2, as it can affect signal efficiency. No effect in rate.
- Increase daughter min pT and sdoca requirements in four body hidden charm lines (ccbar->pipipipi, ccbar->pipiKK, ccbar->KKKK).
Rates are tested in expected 2024 simulation sample with four configurations: pHe (only proton-helium collisions, beam-empty like event), pAr (proton-argon), pHe+pp (proton-helium collisions in SMOG2 and proton-proton collisions, beam-beam like event) and pAr+pp. In the simulation, pp nu is set to nominal 2024 value (nu=7.6) and for helium, argon it is set to the expected value (nu_He=0.2, nu_Ar=0.37).
- HLT2 is run without UT with the recommended configuration (as in here).
- HLT2 is run with
reconstruction (TBLV not yet tuned for negative PVz). - For the moment, final bandwidth-adjusted HLT1 configuration is not available. This is needed to have final rates after HLT1. For the moment, rates are computed running on MinBias simulation, and from a HLT1-filtered sample with Allen now in master and assuming 1MHz output from HLT1.
These slides show the rate for every line: ratesSMOG2_2024.pdf. Total inclusive rates in HLT1 filtered MC (with current master configuration and assuming 1MHz out of HLT1) are:
- pHe: 113 +/- 2.4 kHz
- pAr: 257 +/- 2.5 kHz
- pHe+pp: 77 +/- 1.3 kHz
- pAr+pp: 200 +/- 2.2 kHz
Rates are high but I suspect that it is mostly due to the current HLT1 configuration, so it is probably better to wait for the HLT1 configuration before taking further actions here. The lines with higher trigger rate are currently the D0->Kpi, D0->pipi, Dp->Kpipi, Ds->KKpi, phi->KK, ccbar->pipipipi, ccbar->pipiKK, ccbar->KKKK trigger lines. HLT1-filtered min-bias lines are not included (they will directly depend on the HLT1 minimum-bias trigger configuration).
See also two more MR with new charm lines (Moore!2852) and tracking efficiency lines (Moore!2940 (merged)). The rates of those lines are lower than what is presented here so they do not affect the total SMOG2 budget.