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Draft: loosen trackchi2 cut in tracking efficiency lines

Rowina Caspary requested to merge rowina_loosentrackchi2cut into master

Loosening the trackchi2-cut applied to both muon daughters in the SeedMuon line used to determine the Velo efficiency, as the cut cuts a significant amount of data.

Comparison of the rates using 1,166,334 events from MC/Dev/Beam6800GeV-expected-2024-MagDown-Nu7.6-25ns-Pythia8/Sim10c/30000000/DIGI:

master version:
Line:	 Hlt2TrackEff_DiMuon_SeedMuon_mum_MatchDecision  	 Incl: 0.25721 +/- 0.0813 kHz,	Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2TrackEff_DiMuon_SeedMuon_mum_TagDecision    	 Incl: 0.30865 +/- 0.0891 kHz,	Excl: 0.05144 +/- 0.0363 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2TrackEff_DiMuon_SeedMuon_mup_MatchDecision  	 Incl: 0.43726 +/- 0.1060 kHz,	Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2TrackEff_DiMuon_SeedMuon_mup_TagDecision    	 Incl: 0.54015 +/- 0.1178 kHz,	Excl: 0.10288 +/- 0.0514 kHz
looser track chi2 cut (this MR):
Line:	 Hlt2TrackEff_DiMuon_SeedMuon_mum_MatchDecision  	 Incl: 0.30865 +/- 0.0891 kHz,	Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2TrackEff_DiMuon_SeedMuon_mum_TagDecision    	 Incl: 0.36010 +/- 0.0962 kHz,	Excl: 0.05144 +/- 0.0363 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2TrackEff_DiMuon_SeedMuon_mup_MatchDecision  	 Incl: 0.51443 +/- 0.1150 kHz,	Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2TrackEff_DiMuon_SeedMuon_mup_TagDecision    	 Incl: 0.61731 +/- 0.1260 kHz,	Excl: 0.10288 +/- 0.0514 kHz
Edited by Rowina Caspary

Merge request reports
