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SL: new HLT2 and Spruce line for B_s0 -> D*s mu nu

Carlos Eduardo Cocha Toapaxi requested to merge cocha/b2dsmunu into master

New HLT2 and Spruce line for B_s0 -> D*s(-> Ds(-> K K pi) gamma (-> ee) ) mu nu. This line is meant to study the effect of using photon conversion for background suppression. The estimated rates using 100k minbias events are:

INFO:    Starting /user/gr1/lhcb/cocha/stack_tau_mugamma/DaVinci/HltEfficiencyChecker/scripts/
INFO:    No lines specified. Defaulting to all...
HLT rates: 
Line:    Hlt2SLB_Dst2DsGamma_Ds2KKPi_Gamma2EEDecision    Incl: 0.0165 +/- 0.0164 kHz,   Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Hlt2 Total:                                              Rate:   0 +/- 0.0 kHz

Estimated efficiency:

 |*"# passed"  |     99998 |          9 |(0.009000180 +- 0.002999925)% |

Bandwidth, running 100k minbias events:

b/w = input rate x file_size/ options.evt_max = 1140 kHz * 153kb/100k events= ~ 1.7 Mb/s
Edited by Carlos Eduardo Cocha Toapaxi

Merge request reports
