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SL: updates on

Arnau Brossa Gonzalo requested to merge ArnauChanges_SLlines into master

Changes on the D builder for the following lines:

  • BuToD0TauNu_D0ToKPi_TauToPiPiPiNu
  • BuToD0TauNu_D0ToK3Pi_TauToPiPiPiNu
  • LbToLcTauNu_LcTopKPi_TauToPiPiPiNu

Cuts on D in BuToD0TauNu_D0ToKPi_TauToPiPiPiNu chosen to follow D0 in butod0lnu_d0tokpi:

cuts = {"comb_docachi2_max": 5., "daughter_pt_min": 750 * MeV, "kaon_pid": (F.PID_K > 4.), "pion_pid": (F.PID_K < 2.),} Cuts on D in BuToD0TauNu_D0ToK3Pi_TauToPiPiPiNu chosen to follow D0 in butod0lnu_d0tokpi (except pt):

cuts = {"comb_docachi2_max": 5., "kaon_pid": (F.PID_K > 4.), "pion_pid": (F.PID_K < 2.),}

Note that in this case butod0lnu_d0tok3pi has no extra cuts to copy from, however the pid and doca cuts should be consisntent between d0Kpi and d0K3pi lines in my opinion

Cuts on Lc in LbToLcTauNu_LcTopKPi_TauToPiPiPiNu chosen to follow Lc in lbtolclnu_lctopkpi:

mother_m_min=(Lc_mass - delta_Lc_mother) * MeV, mother_m_max=(Lc_mass + delta_Lc_mother) * MeV, mother_pt_min=2500 * MeV, comb_m_min=(Lc_mass - delta_Lc_comb) * MeV, comb_m_max=(Lc_mass + delta_Lc_comb) * MeV, comb_pt_min=None, comb_pt_any_min=None, comb_pt_sum_min=2500 * MeV, daughter_p_min=2000 * MeV, daughter_pt_min=250 * MeV, daughter_mipchi2_min=4., kaon_pid=(F.PID_K > -2.), pion_pid=(F.PID_K < 10.), proton_pid=F.require_all(F.PID_P > 0., (F.PID_P - F.PID_K) > 0.), comb_docachi2_max=20.

Changes have no sizeable impact on rates and efficiencies, since Hb combiner rejects events that passed previous more relaxed cuts in the D0, however number of D0s that pass the first selection is smaller.

We considered adding this tighter cuts in the sprucing line instead, but since this has no effect in the rates nor effs, my opinion is that this should go in the hlt2 level


Edited by Alessandro Bertolin

Merge request reports
