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Draft: Move B2ll(ll) line isolation outputs to function from !2973

Jamie Gooding requested to merge jagoodin-b2leptons-isolation-tidying into master

️ DO NOT MERGE UNTIL BOTH !2948 (merged) AND !2973 (merged) ARE MERGED

This MR enhances the isolation output implementation in !2948 (merged), using the function parent_and_children_isolation implemented in !2973 (merged).

Functionally this should make no difference to the outputs; however, this will tidy the B2ll and, particularly, the B2llll lines. It is therefore also not necessary for this MR to be considered in the context of 2024data-selections.

To avoid delays to either !2948 (merged) or !2973 (merged), this is entirely on hold until both are merged.

Edited by Jamie Gooding

Merge request reports
