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Tighten selections for the charm cross section lines and add small pre-scales

Peilian Li requested to merge peilian_charmxsec into charm-hlt2-rate-reduction
  • Tighten selections for the charm cross section lines according to previous study
  • Merge D+->KKpi and Ds+ ->KKpi to reduce the overlapped region of background

target to charm-hlt2-rate-reduction to make the iterations quicker.

cc @lpica @roneil @feoliva

As discussed with @ldufour @tpajero it might be good to keep a small prescale for these lines at the beginning of the data taking, so that we could check the data quality. So we may keep a small fraction in the bandwidth devision.

  • With small pre-scale (0.1 for most of the lines and 0.2 for baryon lines), the bandwidth is reduced from 273.6 MB/s -> 50.MB/s by running prod_xsec lines only.
  • Tests with / w.o the charm cross section lines while running over all charm lines, the changes of the bandwidth is about 70 MB/s, so I expect there are large overlap with other charm lines. So more reliable bandwidth has to be done globally with all WGs.
Edited by Peilian Li

Merge request reports
