reduce the number of combinations the EW_Xic0ToPKKPi and EW_LcToPKPi by adding strict pt cut
FYI @hyin @lugrazet
Adding more strictly pt cut make_EW_pions
, make_EW_kaons
, and make_EW_protons
are used to reduce particle combinations.
| Name of Algorithm | Execution Count | Total Time / s | Avg. Time / us |
| "EW_Xic0ToPKKPi_80f5c0ed" | 171488 | 195.479 | 1139.901 |
| "EW_LcToPKPi_4c55318d" | 171488 | 121.221 | 706.875 |
Now ptmin=1GeV
| Name of Algorithm | Execution Count | Total Time / s | Avg. Time / us |
| "EW_Xic0ToPKKPi_d644cfd4" | 171488 | 3.606 | 21.030 |
| "EW_LcToPKPi_f371ce0d" | 171488 | 3.622 | 21.119 |
Edited by Jiuzhao Li