Add Wcharm Line and adjust dijet builders.
Development of asymmetric dijet lines targeting W->Charm production, but also general use for SVTag + Inclusive line for other future physics.
Additionally, a change to current di-jet lines is made by adding OWNPV
matching requirements to reduce background contributions, significantly lowering rates of these lines.
Specific line rates:
MinBias efficiency:
LAZY_AND: Hlt2QEE_DiJetIncSVTag_pT25M40FullDecisionWithOutput #=25000 Sum=21 Eff=|(0.08400000 +- 0.0183226)%|
Signal MC efficiency:
LAZY_AND: Hlt2QEE_DiJetIncSVTag_pT25M40FullDecisionWithOutput #=6366 Sum=601 Eff=|( 9.440779 +- 0.366469)%|
, di-jet mass, and dR
With ALL Changes:
Ran over 50000 events.
Fullstream filesize = 17.3 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 301
Fullstream Rate = 1.14 MHz * 301 / 50,000 = 6.862 kHz
Fullstream BW = 1.14 MHz * 35.5 MB / 50,000 = 809.4 MB/s
Turbo filesize = 8.1 MB. 1761 events passed (overlap 57)
Exclusive Sprucing BW = 6.862 kHz * 14.5 MB / 301 = 330.6 MB/s
**Note: ** Rates here will have non-negligible overlap with Inclusive-jet lines, and likely cannot be reasonably measured independently. These inclusive lines will be turned "on" with the dependency of Allen!1372 (merged)
With ONLY PV matching on all di-jet lines:
Ran over 5000 events.
Fullstream filesize = 3.1 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 27
Fullstream Rate = 1.14 MHz * 27 / 5,000 = 6.156 kHz
Fullstream BW = 1.14 MHz * 3.1 MB / 5,000 = 706.8 MB/s
Turbo filesize = 1.7 MB. 346 events passed (overlap 1)
Exclusive Sprucing BW = 6.156 kHz * 1.0 MB / 27 = 228 MB/s
Without Changes:
Ran over 50000 events (Needed better precision).
Fullstream filesize = 35.4 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 294
Fullstream Rate = 1.14 MHz * 294 / 50,000 = 6.703 kHz
Fullstream BW = 1.14 MHz * 35.4 MB / 50,000 = 807.1 MB/s
Turbo filesize = 1.7 MB. 3635 events passed (overlap 114)
Exclusive Sprucing BW = 6.703 kHz * 10.7 MB / 294 = 244.0 MB/s