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Update dd4hep references after 2907

Christina Agapopoulou requested to merge update_dd4hep_refs_after_2907 into master

remove symlink dd4hep->detdesc references to the ones from Some issues observed when comparing dd4hep and detdesc references (some may have already been discussed in other places, but putting them also here for completeness)

  • VP cluster monitoring: residuals look significantly larger in dd4hep than in detdesc
  • allen_gaudi_velo_ut_with_mcchecking performance significantly worse in dd4hep than in detdesc (eff 81% vs 90% and ghost rate 18% vs 9%)
  • hlt2_fast_reco_with_mcchecking performance significantly different between dd4hep and detdesc:
    • Downstream efficiency lower in “fromBD” categories in dd4hep
    • BestLong efficiency significantly worse in dd4hep (3% vs 90%)
    • Best efficiency looks compatible
    • LongGhostFiltered significantly worse in dd4hep
  • hlt2_light_reco_calo_efficiency: dd4hep has much lower number of produced tracks (but calo efficiency looks compatible) - it’s weird because in hlt2_light_reco_pr_kf_with_mcchecking the number of tracks between dd4hep and detdesc looks similar
  • hlt2_light_reco_pr_kf_without_UT_with_monitoring_2022:
    • Way more tracks in dd4hep than in detdesc
  • hlt2_light_reco_with_mcchecking:
    • Downstream efficiency and ghost rate significantly better in dd4hep than in detdesc
    • BestLong efficiency and ghost rate significantly worse in dd4hep than in detdesc
  • hlt2_pr_kf_longmuon:
    • Lower number of matched tracks in dd4hep
    • More BadQuality tracks in dd4hep
  • Hlt2_protoparticles_baseline:
    • CaloFutureMergedPi0: different counters for CorrectedEnergy and Inner etc
    • The counters look much more similar between dd4hep/detdesc for the Hlt2_protoparticles_fastest test
  • hlt2_reco_baseline, hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking_mpp_with_bfield: significantly lower number of reco long tracks and long tracking efficiency in dd4hep than in detdesc
  • hlt2_reco_calo_resolution_gamma: tracking counters different as in other tests, photon counters look compatible
  • hlt2_reco_pattern_reco_hit_masking: lower number of long tracks in dd4hep, similarly to other tests

@msaur @dovombru @mveghel

Merge request reports
