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B&Q: loosen HHHH selection and add 3Kpi modes in prompt D0 anti-D0 B&Q double charm lines

Paras Naik requested to merge promptDzDzb_BandQ_pnaik_2 into 2024-patches


  • Fix incorrect HHHH selection
    • When calling d0_to_hhhh.make_dzeros, d0_to_hh.make_charm_kaons() and d0_to_hh.make_charm_kaons() were being used instead of the correct functions: d0_to_hhhh.make_charm_kaons() and d0_to_hhhh.make_charm_kaons(). This has now been fixed.
  • Add 3Kpi modes
    • 3Kpi modes were added, for completeness... does not increase bandwidth, see final numbers below.
  • Incorrect comments have been removed from KSHH lines
  • Remove unnecessary comments from HH lines
  • Prescale (prescale=0.2) these lines only to reduce the rate until a more efficient selection can be obtained
    • SpruceBandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH
    • SpruceBandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsLLHH
    • SpruceBandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToHH
    • SpruceBandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH
    • SpruceBandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToHH

Considered during this activity, but not implemented:

  • Tighten HHHH selection
    • After implementing the previous step, the rates of lines involving HHHH increased.
    • However, for HHHH this is justified (up to a factor of 2) due to the higher K3pi branching fraction
    • So the retentions are reasonable in this case, and the HHHH selections were not tightened
  • Tighten KsHH selection
    • The rate of lines with KsHH seemed relatively high compared to the HH vs HH line, after !2901 (merged).
    • For KsHH should expect similar branching fraction to HH
    • After the spruce cut from !3210 (merged) was added to 2024_patches, the relative difference between the KsHH lines and the HH lines was reduced (see below).
    • So the retentions have become more reasonable in this case, and the KsHH selections were not tightened
  • The D0 (anti-)D0 mode where both D0 decay to Kpi-only appears in the oppositesign and samesign lines. There is a small redundancy here with the D0toHH line. However, it was decided not to remove these modes in the opposite/same lines, since the lines have different purposes within B&Q.


  • Tune cuts further on MC signal / data
  • The decay descriptor '[psi(3770) -> D0 D0]cc' is used in oppositesign and '[psi(3770) -> D~0 D0]cc' is used in samesign. However, would these select the exact same events as '[psi(3770) -> D0 D0]'? If so, perhaps '[psi(3770) -> D0 D0]' is the appropriate descriptor in all cases? (Unless it would cause labeling issues?)


  • Update HHHH selections
  • Determine retentions with many events / DaVinci [current_without_UT, future_with_UT, and future_with_UT with spruce cut from !3210 (merged)]
  • Determine retentions with many events / DaVinci [future_with_UT with 3Kpi modes and spruce cut from !3210 (merged)]
  • Prescale lines mentioned above
  • test hlt1-hlt2-sprucing chain works without errors
  • Determine retentions with many events / DaVinci [future_with_UT with 3Kpi modes and spruce cut from !3210 (merged) and prescale for lines mentioned above]


  • Test with ~170k events and DaVinci current_without_UT
[1]    Done                          DaVinci/run DaVinci/HltEfficiencyChecker/scripts/ hlt2_rate_example.yml > hlt_eff_checker_hlt2_rate_example.log
[pnaik@lxplus955 stack_Moore_promptDzDzb_BandQ_pnaik]$ cat hlt_eff_checker_hlt2_rate_example.log | grep 'LAZY_AND:' | grep 'WithOutput' | grep 'DoubleCharm'
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmOppositeSignFullDecisionWithOutput                                                   #=171490  Sum=22          Eff=|(0.01282874 +- 0.00273492)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSignFullDecisionWithOutput                                                       #=171490  Sum=10          Eff=|(0.005831244 +- 0.00184395)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                        #=171490  Sum=10          Eff=|(0.005831244 +- 0.00184395)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                      #=171490  Sum=31          Eff=|(0.01807686 +- 0.00324641)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                               #=171490  Sum=41          Eff=|(0.02390810 +- 0.00373337)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                           #=171490  Sum=0           Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsLLHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                           #=171490  Sum=49          Eff=|(0.02857309 +- 0.00408129)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                    #=171490  Sum=0           Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsDDHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                             #=171490  Sum=0           Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                    #=171490  Sum=21          Eff=|(0.01224561 +- 0.00267205)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                             #=171490  Sum=33          Eff=|(0.01924310 +- 0.00334947)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                         #=171490  Sum=0           Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
  • Test with ~170k events and DaVinci future_with_UT
1]    Done                          DaVinci/run DaVinci/HltEfficiencyChecker/scripts/ hlt2_rate_example.yml > hlt_eff_checker_hlt2_rate_example.log
[pnaik@lxplus9115 stack_Moore_promptDzDzb_BandQ_pnaik]$ cat hlt_eff_checker_hlt2_rate_example.log | grep 'LAZY_AND:' | grep 'WithOutput' | grep 'DoubleCharm'
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmOppositeSignFullDecisionWithOutput                                                   #=171490  Sum=21          Eff=|(0.01224561 +- 0.00267205)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSignFullDecisionWithOutput                                                       #=171490  Sum=6           Eff=|(0.003498746 +- 0.00142833)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                        #=171490  Sum=11          Eff=|(0.006414368 +- 0.00193394)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                      #=171490  Sum=20          Eff=|(0.01166249 +- 0.00260766)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                               #=171490  Sum=34          Eff=|(0.01982623 +- 0.00339983)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                           #=171490  Sum=15          Eff=|(0.008746866 +- 0.00225833)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsLLHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                           #=171490  Sum=30          Eff=|(0.01749373 +- 0.00319362)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                    #=171490  Sum=3           Eff=|(0.001749373 +- 0.00100999)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsDDHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                             #=171490  Sum=14          Eff=|(0.008163741 +- 0.00218176)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                    #=171490  Sum=15          Eff=|(0.008746866 +- 0.00225833)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                             #=171490  Sum=20          Eff=|(0.01166249 +- 0.00260766)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                         #=171490  Sum=8           Eff=|(0.004664995 +- 0.00164929)%|
  • Test with ~170k events and DaVinci future_with_UT + spruce cuts from !3210 (merged)
[1]    Done                          DaVinci/run DaVinci/HltEfficiencyChecker/scripts/ hlt2_rate_example.yml > hlt_eff_checker_hlt2_rate_example.log
[pnaik@lxplus9115 stack_Moore_promptDzDzb_BandQ_pnaik]$ cat hlt_eff_checker_hlt2_rate_example.log | grep 'LAZY_AND:' | grep 'WithOutput' | grep 'DoubleCharm'
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmOppositeSignFullDecisionWithOutput                                                   #=171490  Sum=18          Eff=|(0.01049624 +- 0.00247386)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSignFullDecisionWithOutput                                                       #=171490  Sum=4           Eff=|(0.002332498 +- 0.00116624)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                        #=171490  Sum=8           Eff=|(0.004664995 +- 0.00164929)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                      #=171490  Sum=15          Eff=|(0.008746866 +- 0.00225833)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                               #=171490  Sum=26          Eff=|(0.01516123 +- 0.00297314)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                           #=171490  Sum=10          Eff=|(0.005831244 +- 0.00184395)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsLLHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                           #=171490  Sum=23          Eff=|(0.01341186 +- 0.00279638)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                    #=171490  Sum=2           Eff=|(0.001166249 +- 0.000824658)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsDDHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                             #=171490  Sum=10          Eff=|(0.005831244 +- 0.00184395)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                    #=171490  Sum=13          Eff=|(0.007580617 +- 0.00210241)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                             #=171490  Sum=12          Eff=|(0.006997493 +- 0.00201993)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                         #=171490  Sum=4           Eff=|(0.002332498 +- 0.00116624)%|
  • Test with ~170k events and DaVinci future_with_UT + spruce cuts from !3210 (merged) + 3Kpi modes
[1]    Done                          DaVinci/run DaVinci/HltEfficiencyChecker/scripts/ hlt2_rate_example.yml > hlt_eff_checker_hlt2_rate_example.log
[pnaik@lxplus9115 stack_Moore_promptDzDzb_BandQ_pnaik]$ cat hlt_eff_checker_hlt2_rate_example.log | grep 'LAZY_AND:' | grep 'WithOutput' | grep 'DoubleCharm'
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmOppositeSignFullDecisionWithOutput                                                   #=171490  Sum=18          Eff=|(0.01049624 +- 0.00247386)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSignFullDecisionWithOutput                                                       #=171490  Sum=4           Eff=|(0.002332498 +- 0.00116624)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                        #=171490  Sum=8           Eff=|(0.004664995 +- 0.00164929)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                      #=171490  Sum=16          Eff=|(0.009329990 +- 0.00233239)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                               #=171490  Sum=26          Eff=|(0.01516123 +- 0.00297314)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                           #=171490  Sum=10          Eff=|(0.005831244 +- 0.00184395)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsLLHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                           #=171490  Sum=24          Eff=|(0.01399499 +- 0.00285651)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                    #=171490  Sum=2           Eff=|(0.001166249 +- 0.000824658)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsDDHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                             #=171490  Sum=10          Eff=|(0.005831244 +- 0.00184395)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                                    #=171490  Sum=13          Eff=|(0.007580617 +- 0.00210241)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                             #=171490  Sum=12          Eff=|(0.006997493 +- 0.00201993)%|
    LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharm_D0ToKsLLHH_D0ToKsDDHHFullDecisionWithOutput                                         #=171490  Sum=4           Eff=|(0.002332498 +- 0.00116624)%|
Edited by Paras Naik

Merge request reports
