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QEE concurrent BW reduction

Davide Zuliani requested to merge qee_concurrentBW_reduction into 2024-patches

This MR tries to address the impact of jet QEE lines on concurrent BW.

In the following, the approach used to perform local evaluation is presented.

An HLT1 filtered sample is created requiring Allen!1372 (merged) (not the most updated version unfortunately, it is ~6 days old). 300k events at 30 MHz are processed.

Then, the following HLT2+sprucing configurations are evaluated:

  1. HLT2 + sprucing with the most updated 2024-patches (with inclusive jet and di-jet lines) with our new prescales in placesprucing_BW_inclusivejets_2024patches_BWreduction.log
  2. HLT2 + sprucing with the most updated 2024-patches (with inclusive jet and di-jet lines) hlt2_BW_inclusivejets_2024patches.log sprucing_BW_inclusivejets_2024patches.log
  3. HLT2 + sprucing with the most updated 2024-patches (without inclusive jet and di-jet lines) hlt2_BW_NOinclusivejets_2024patches.log sprucing_BW_NOinclusivejets_2024patches.log
  4. HLT2 + sprucing before the merge of the branch qee_upgrade_24 into 2024-patches hlt2_BW_passthroughjets_beforeqeeupgrade.log sprucing_BW_passthroughjets_beforeqeeupgrade.log The impact on concurrent BW coming from qee_upgrade_24 should be evaluated as 1.-4. (thanks @lugrazet for the explanation).

Few details:

1. prescales applied: 0.05 toSpruceQEE_SingleHighPtElectron and related lines, 0.05 to SpruceQEE_WEJet... and related lines, 0.05 to SpruceQEE_SingleJet and SpruceQEE_Dijets

  1. everything ok here
  2. in order to "remove" the contribution coming from inclusive jet and di-jet lines, the _hlt1_light_jet_filter = ["Hlt1ConeJet(15|30|50|100)GeVDecision"] is changed with something nosense
  3. here, inclusive jet and di-jet lines will go through _hlt1_light_jet_filter = ["Hlt1PassThroughDecision"]

Now, some results:

Fullstream filesize = 34 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 99
Fullstream Rate = 30 MHz * 99 / 300,000 = 9.9 kHz
Fullstream BW = 30 MHz * 34 MB / 300,000 = 3400 MB/s
Exclusive Sprucing BW = 9.9 kHz * 3.0 MB / 99 = 300 MB/s
Fullstream filesize = 34 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 99
Fullstream Rate = 30 MHz * 99 / 300,000 = 9.9 kHz
Fullstream BW = 30 MHz * 34 MB / 300,000 = 3400 MB/s
Exclusive Sprucing BW = 9.9 kHz * 6.2 MB / 99 = 620 MB/s
Fullstream filesize = 28 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 80
Fullstream Rate = 30 MHz * 80 / 300,000 = 8.0 kHz
Fullstream BW = 30 MHz * 28 MB / 300,000 = 2800 MB/s
Exclusive Sprucing BW = 8.0 kHz * 3.6 MB / 80 = 360 MB/s
Fullstream filesize = 28 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 78
Fullstream Rate = 30 MHz * 78 / 300,000 = 7.8 kHz
Fullstream BW = 30 MHz * 28 MB / 300,000 = 2800 MB/s
Exclusive Sprucing BW = 7.8 kHz * 2.7 MB / 78 = 270 MB/s

So, 1.-4.=300-270=30 MB/s of concurrent BW addition.

List of changed prescales: SpruceQEE_WEJet: prescale=1 -> 0.01

SpruceQEE_WESVJet: prescale=1 -> 0.01

SpruceQEE_WEJetJet, prescale=1 -> 0.01

SpruceQEE_WESVJetSVJet, prescale=1 -> 0.01

SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtElectron: prescale=1 -> 0.05

SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtElectronIso: prescale=0.1 -> 0.05

SpruceQEE_SingleVHighPtElectron: prescale=0.1 -> 0.05

SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtElectronPrescale: prescale=1 -> 0.1

SpruceQEE_SingleJet: prescale=1 -> 0.05

SpruceQEE_Dijets: prescale=1 -> 0.05

FYI @rjhunter @lugrazet @isanders @nskidmor @ngrieser @abertoli @erodrigu @thboettc @dfitzger

Edited by Davide Zuliani

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