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new RD/strange HLT2 lines towards 8th-May deadline

Daniele Provenzano requested to merge daproven-rd-lines into rd-devel

We have written several lines for strange decays, mainly for K+ and Sigma+ (and Lambda0).

The only two files that have been changed are

  • modified: Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ ,
  • modified: Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/ .

P.S. Some lines have a high rate (for example: SigmaPlusToPGamma, SigmaPlusToPPi0Resolved_Tight): in case, before applying a prescale, we would prefer to try applying tighter cuts to avoid a prescale.

Edited by Miguel Ramos Pernas

Merge request reports
