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Draft: SMOG2 CEP Lines V1

Allencris John Rubesh Rajan requested to merge ACJRR_CEP_clean into 2024-patches

Wanted to write HLT2 lines to pass on events with between 1-5 tracks of any type and any particle originating in the SMOG2 Region. This should trigger in beam-empty events with no pp activity.

Wrote builder and line to accomplish this in the ift folder for Hlt2. This required writing a particlecombiner for 2,3,4,5 particles while for the single track, I used the make_smog2_common_particles function already defined in the smog2_generic_builder.

Used make_long_pions as proxy for any particle for the tracks. This seemed justified as this function has no pid, just a mass hypothesis attached to the track. However, I wasn't able to specify long AND up tracks. Thus, I only took long tracks as this suffices. We specify a MAXDOCA of 10mm.

Each of the lines have the hlt1_filter_code Hlt1SMOG2PassThroughLowMult5 so that we only look at events with 1-5 tracks coming from SMOG2.

I have provided logs for the rates at /afs/

I note that the filter seems to kill everything as we see that when the filter is not applied, things do pass, so this seems to not be a problem with the way the lines are written. Have amended files so that they follow the formatting, copyright, and linting reqs.

To improve/Consider

  • I have assumed that the descriptor attached to the lines is not physically relevant and so I have just used B0 -> number of pions required.
  • Need to find a way to include both upstream AND long tracks for each particle.
  • Consider why there seems to be nothing passing when the hlt1_filter_code is attached since the input does have events that pass the lowmult line.
Edited by Allencris John Rubesh Rajan

Merge request reports