b2cc btojpsix-jpsi2pp combinations
It aims to reduce the number of combinations.
Tested with 100k events expected_2024_min_bias_hlt1_filtered_v2
LAZY_AND: Hlt2B2CC_BdToJpsiKstar_JpsiToPP #=100000 Sum=1 Eff=|(0.001000000 +- 0.000999995)%|
LAZY_AND: Hlt2B2CC_Bs0ToJpsiPhi_JpsiToPP #=100000 Sum=0 Eff=|(0.001000000 +- 0.000999995)%|
MC Bandwidth calculated including both lines:
bw = 0.75 mb/s
Tested with 100k data evts /eos/lhcb/wg/rta/WP3/bandwidth_division/COLLISION24-run292798/
LAZY_AND: Hlt2B2CC_BdToJpsiKstar_JpsiToPP #=100000 Sum=1 Eff=|(0.001000000 +- 0.000999995)%|
LAZY_AND: Hlt2B2CC_Bs0ToJpsiPhi_JpsiToPP #=100000 Sum=1 Eff=|(0.001000000 +- 0.000999995)%|
Data Bandwidth calculated including both lines:
bw = 2.1 mb/s
To Do:
check with min bias MC -
check with data -
check eff with signal MC
Edited by Juan Leite