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Adapt MooreCache and tests to new helium name

Hendrik Jage requested to merge hjage_particle_table_tests into 2024-patches

Adapt the MooreCache and multiple test for the addition of helium3 to the standard particles.

The option to create helium3 is introduce to the functional particle maker in Rec!3855. At the same time the naming scheme for ions is updated to follow changes in Geant4 naming scheme, e.g. helium3 is renamed from He3[0.0] to He3. This change is applied to in the ParticleTable in DDDB in lhcb-conddb/DDDB!131 (merged) and to be ported to LHCb in LHCb!4579.

When using the functional particle maker, it is therefore important to use the ParticleTable with the new ion names. While this is no problem under DD4Hep, where the particle names are currently taken from LHCb, in DetDesc the still rely on DDDB, which is the reason for this MR.

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