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Attempt to include persist reco on low rate lines in b_hemu_controlmodes for BsMuMu flavour tagging in XJPsi channels

In this MR:

  • Fix decay descriptor and document variations of decay descriptors in the module happened in time so that people can properly configure APs when reading different data in 2024.
  • enable Persist Reco for flavour tagging in the channels Hlt2RD_BuToKpJpsi_JpsiToMuMu, Hlt2RD_BdToKstJpsi_KstToKpPim_JpsiToMuMu and Hlt2RD_BsToPhiJpsi_PhiToKK_JpsiToMuMu.

Due to the limited statistics in the data samples available to test, not enough events on these three lines passed the selections to reliably estimate the increase in BW and the rate. For this reason, rate and BW estimations are obtained using the Hlt2RD_BuToHpMuMu_Incl as a reference. The rates of the 3 lines are estimated based on the ratio of events observed in the monitoring histograms in HLT2-run300244-300256.root and assuming a rate of 400Hz for the Hlt2RD_BuToHpMuMu_Incl line (obtained using the RD snippet). Additionally, when enabling persistreco=True to the Hlt2RD_BuToHpMuMu_Incl line, an Avg MDF Size after compression of 120kB/event is observed. Assuming a similar event size for the three lines Hlt2RD_BuToKpJpsi_JpsiToMuMu, Hlt2RD_BdToKstJpsi_KstToKpPim_JpsiToMuMu and Hlt2RD_BsToPhiJpsi_PhiToKK_JpsiToMuMu, it is possible to obtain the BW estimation reported in the table below.

Line Ratio(%) Rate(Hz) BW(MB/s)
Hlt2RD_BuToHpMuMu_Incl 1 400 48
Hlt2RD_BuToKpJpsi_JpsiToMuMu 0.022 9 1.1
Hlt2RD_BdToKstJpsi_KstToKpPim_JpsiToMuMu 0.01 4 0.5
Hlt2RD_BsToPhiJpsi_PhiToKK_JpsiToMuMu 0.0014 0.6 0.07

Based on these approximations, the inclusion of persistreco=True to these 3 lines should correspond to an increase of +2MB/s in BW.

FYI : @hvc , @masantim

Edited by Michele Atzeni

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