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tetraquark weak decay

Zeqing Mu requested to merge muzq/Zcc into bandq_development

The bandwidth for 4 new tetraquark weak decay is 5.49 MB/s.

LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_ZccToD0PhiPip #=100000 Sum=1 Eff=|(0.001000000 +- 0.000999995)%|

LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_ZccToDpPhiPip #=100000 Sum=0 Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|

LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_ZccToDspKSPip #=100000 Sum=28 Eff=|(0.02800000 +- 0.00529076)%|

LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_ZccToDspKmPip #=100000 Sum=30 Eff=|(0.03000000 +- 0.00547640)%|

Edited by Zeqing Mu

Merge request reports