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D->KSh Hlt2 lines

Serena Maccolini requested to merge smaccoli/d_to_ksh into Charm2024-July

Improving signal yields for D+ candidates, especially DD candidates. Changes of !3626 (merged) in d_to_ksh already applied here. Further changes:

  • [looser cut] KS daughters PIDK < 5 --> 15
  • [looser cut] Dp DOCA < 0.1 mm --> 2 mm (only for DD candidated)
  • [tighter cut] KS FD Z > 5 mm --> 50 mm (only for DD candidated)
  • [tighter cut] KS FD T (transverse) > 1 mm --> 10 mm (only for DD candidated)

Edited by Serena Maccolini

Merge request reports