B2OC: add a K-pi+pi+ filter for the Bd2Dpi line, add a Bs2DsK lifetime unbiased line
- added a K-pi+pi+ filter for the Bd2Dpi line: see make_dplus_to_pippipKm in d_builder.py
- added a Bs2DsK lifetime unbiased line
- added the module b_to_dX_LTU.py: it should contain the Bs2DsK already added and 2 other lines to come later on: Bs2Ds*K and Bs2DsKPiPi hence the name b_to_dX_LTU.py and not just b_to_dh_LTU.py
- modified accordingly b_builder.py to omit the cuts not wanted for lifetime unbiased lines
this branch of Moore is running fine without changing results for non LTU lines
Edited by Alessandro Bertolin