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SLB: MRs targeting the SeptMD Deadline

Gary Robertson requested to merge SLB-SeptMD into 2024-patches

This MR is the collection of MRs belonging to the SLB WG which are aiming to be merged by the SeptMD deadline on the 1st of September.

  • !3740 (merged) - Adding new Omegab and Xib lines (BW estimated on 1000 )
line bw [MB/s]
Hlt2SLB_XibminusToXic0TauNu_Xic0TopKKPi_TauToPiPiPiNu 2.68
Hlt2SLB_OmegabToOmegacTauNu_OmegacToPKKPi_TauToPiPiPiNu 32
  • !3784 (merged) - Adding upstream and downstream tracks to the Bs -> Ds* l nu line (BW estimated on 100k expected_2024_min_bias_hlt1_filtered_v2 events)
line rate reference [Hz] expect. rate [Hz] bw reference [MB/s] expect. bw [MB/s]
Hlt2SLB_Dst2DsGamma_Ds2KKPi_Gamma2EE 16 18 1.7 2.5
Edited by Gary Robertson

Merge request reports
