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Add a flag for removing all PID cuts from semileptonic HLT2 and Spruce lines and fix the minip cut

Abhijit Mathad requested to merge AM_nopid into 2024-patches

MC production needs PID cuts to be removed to apply PIDCalib corrections. This MR introduced nopid() flag that:

  • Removes DLL cuts for pions, kaon, protons and muons in base candidate maker: make_candidate
  • Removes IsMuon from: make_ismuon_long_muon
  • Removes DLLe cuts in: make_detached_dielectron_for_b2lllnu, make_gammaLL_for_b2lllnu and make_gammaDD_for_b2lllnu.

This can be switched on in the Moore options via:

from Hlt2Conf.lines.config_pid import no_pid_sl

with reconstruction.bind(from_file=False), config_pp_2024(), no_pid_sl.bind(ignore_pid=True):
    config = run_moore(options, make_streams, public_tools)
Edited by Abhijit Mathad

Merge request reports
