Draft: BandQ development for high mu runs
Reducing the retention rate of several BandQ sprucing lines to < 0.1 - 0.05 % for the high mu runs at the end of 2024.
Deadline: 2th Oct.
Affected lines and corresponding actions:
DoubleCharm_D0ToHHHH_D0ToKsDDHH: selection tightened in Moore!3883, prescaled to 0.2
- fix bug in Xib lines in am_min: 5780 -> 5580 MeV
BcForSpectroscopy: increase cuts on PT_hadr:
- JpsiPi: PT(pi) > 700 MeV
- Jpsi3Pi : sum_PT(pi) > 1.5 GeV
- add cut on sum(PT)_hadr for JpsiX lines. It is dependent on M-m1 as sumPT_hadr > 0.2*(M-m1) + n_hadr*0.25 GeV, the coefficients may need to be tightened;
both B->CX and B->JpsiX: add cut on max(mipchi2)>16 for all kaons/protons/pions in B->CX and B->JpsiX lines (same in corresponding Charm hadrons)
Full list of lines: https://gitlab.cern.ch/-/project/465/uploads/c2e0f162f090e48c7f88f01db24d7bc7/Screenshot_2024-09-26_at_14.10.25.png
Edited by Ivan Polyakov