B2OC: fixes for the 2024 high mu runs
- fix to reduce the rate of the exclusive spruce line BdToDstpKKPi_DstpToD0Pi_D0ToHHHH
- fix to the Bs2DsK LTU exclusive spruce line (the fix itself is in the basic builders)
the function make_kaons
defined here has some additional arguments, **decay_arguments
, that are passed to filter_particles
in line 77, this the correct behaviour
instead by mistake the function make_tight_kaons
as defined here https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Moore/-/blob/2024-patches/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/b_to_open_charm/builders/basic_builder.py#L142-152 is not passing the **decay_arguments
to filter_particles
in line 148 but just p_min=p_min, pt_min=pt_min
as a consequence without this fix the LTU line is being run with the default cut F.MINIPCHI2 > 4 instead of the required > 0 needed to select also prompt tracks
Edited by Alessandro Bertolin