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QEE: Sprucing reductions

Ross John Hunter requested to merge rjhunter-spruce-qee-reductions into 2024-patches

FYI @lugrazet @isanders @dzuliani @ngrieser @mvesteri

Two changes on our two remaining highest-bandwidth lines that haven't yet been tuned in this round.

  • 50% prescale on SpruceQEE_IncSVTagDijetsDecision (-27 MB/s if ignoring overlap),
  • Muon pT threshold moves from 15->18 GeV for SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuonDecision (-23 MB/s if ignoring overlaps).

The cumulative effect on the QEE sprucing stream is -42 MB/s (includes overlap between the lines).

All bandwidths measured with a 1200 kHz HLT1 on high mu data, then a 2024-patches HLT2 as of Sunday.

(P.S. I was worried about SpruceQEE_WJet and SpruceQEE_WJetJet, but turning them off makes <1 MB/s difference to the QEE stream. I guess this is because they overlap completely with other lines: the overhead of its candidates must be tiny - probs this is because it overlaps with lines that are already persisting reco)

#858 (closed)

Edited by Alessandro Bertolin

Merge request reports
