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RD developments towards End-of-Year Resprucing 2024

Michele Atzeni requested to merge rd-devel-spruce into 2024-patches

Overall impact on the bandwidth

Taken from this test and with version 17bf05a3.



Include modifications for the End-of-Year resprucing. The internal deadline is set to the 22th of October. Follows !3750 (merged).


If you want to contribute to this MR, please speak first to @mramospe and @matzeni and explain your goals. We should avoid having clashes across different files, so if your line is defined in a module where other lines live, please coordinate among the contributors to the file to avoid conflicts. Once you are given green light to do changes, please do so and include in the description of this MR a little summary indicating the file(s) that you have modified as well as the changes to the lines. If you are changing a lot of different lines, please consider making a MR targeting the rd-devel-spruce branch. Note that we will not be able to run the central tests on that MR, but it will facilitate the review and the testing locally.

Any contributions to this MR should be ready by the 22th of October, in such a way that the impact on the rate, bandwidth and throughput has been studied and is within the thresholds.

The tests must be run starting from this snippet and then adapted to included the suggestions from this mattermost conversation.

All the additions need to be tested locally, including:

  • Impact on the bandwidth and rate: if including new lines, these must be well justified (i.e. the physics case must not be already covered by other existing lines) and have rates and bandwidths below 100 Hz and 10 MB/s, respectively. This must be tested on real data. Follow the instructions at the RD migration meeting for advice on how to proceed. If you are tweaking existing lines the same thresholds apply.
  • Impact on the throughput: comparing the time with the execution of 2024-patches with no extra modifications.
  • (optional) Determine efficiencies: if there is simulation already available, it will be interesting to know the efficiencies so we ensure that there is no bug in the selections.

Do not rebase or force-push to this branch without the consent of @mramospe and/or @matzeni, since this might lead to losses on the changes

Handling Git conflicts

Since the rd-devel branch is based on 2024-patches, and due to the continuous development state of the latter, we need to do frequent rebase operations to keep it up-to-date. If you are collaborating in an independent branch e.g. username-devel you will need to have as a base rd-devel. You can do so via

git checkout rd-devel
git checkout -b username-devel

Note that if you have been initially basing the branch on 2024-patches at the point of changing the target branch in your merge request you will have a lot of commits from 2024-patches that will be added to rd-devel, which is not desirable (it will just add noise to the set of changes and be a source of potential conflicts). Something similar might happen if we rebase rd-devel; the base commit of username-devel will be lost because the whole history is reorganized during this operation (i.e. the base commit identifier, the hash, will no longer be in the history of rd-devel). In any of these two cases, we recommend to backup your branch with a new name (just in case) and then make use of the --onto argument of git rebase, like:

git branch -c username-devel username-devel-backup
git rebase --onto rd-devel rd-devel@{1} username-devel

This will put your branch username-devel so it is based on the last commit from rd-devel.


Please follow the same format as in !3750 (merged).

  • Removed PIDK cuts on hadrons in the SpruceRD_B0ToHpHmEE, SpruceRD_B0ToHpHmEE_SameSign, SpruceRD_B0ToHpHmMuMu and SpruceRD_B0ToHpHmMuMu_SameSign lines (was set to 1e-5 previously by accident) @matzeni
  • Added LbToLambdaGamma_{DD|LL}_GammaToEE{DD|LL} and BuToKstpGamma_KstpToKS{DD|LL}Pi_GammaToEE{DD|LL} lines (!3952 (merged)) @fibishop
  • Tightened the B vertex chi2 cut from 30 to 20 in the SpruceRD_BuToHp{EE,MuMu}{ |_SameSign} and SpruceRD_B0ToHpHm{EE,MuMu}{ |_SameSign} lines to align with the inclusive dilepton trigger line.
  • Loosened the hadron IP chi2 cut from 9 to 6 in the SpruceRD_B0ToHpHm{EE,MuMu}{ |_SameSign} lines to align with the inclusive dilepton trigger line. @mtat
Edited by Miguel Ramos Pernas

Merge request reports
